Laughter is Timeless
Imagination has no age
And Dreams are Forever
DREAM as if you will live forever
Live as if you will die today

Friday, January 30, 2009


Who needs more time in the day? I do I do. I know I am whining again but 24 hours just isn't enough time in a day to get things done. First you have your family then you have your job then you have your house then whats left.... So my question to you is and yes Stacy I want your advice because you have 1 year old twins what do you give up on? Right now its my house and that takes me back to my earlier blog I think I need some one to come in and clean my house.

1 comment:

S Murdock said...

LOL! I LOVE that I got mentioned in your blog..I feel famous now! But, you are asking the wrong woman. Let me know when you figure it out. Time for kids, hubby, you, house..yikes, sometimes I just let it all go!!