Laughter is Timeless
Imagination has no age
And Dreams are Forever
DREAM as if you will live forever
Live as if you will die today

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Week In Review

Do you ever fill that this time of year all you are doing is running and running? This week was just like that for us. Between work, soccer and everything else I feel like I am drowning in all the day to day. On top of everything this week Rylee had an allergic reaction to the face wash we have been using on her face. So on top of everything else we had to throw in a doctors appt. The doctors appt wasn't bad but sitting at Wal-mart to get the prescription was the worse. So its Saturday and I bogged out of Rylee's soccer game. Does that make me a bad mom? Before you answer that we also have to go to SLC for a birthday party and then back to Ogden for a dinner theater. Can you say I'M TIRED!!!! Ok enough gripping I'm off to run run again.

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