Laughter is Timeless
Imagination has no age
And Dreams are Forever
DREAM as if you will live forever
Live as if you will die today

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leave the red spot on the face alone

What started out as a red bump on Chris's face (look on his left cheek) ended in a over night stay in the hospital. Chris went to work on Monday feeling fine came home and that was the end. We went to Ogden Clinic at 8:00 that night. Was seen and was given some Septra. Chris woke up Tuesday morning and long behold it was worse. Another visit to Ogden Clinic and IV Rocephin later we were on our way.

These are pictures of Chris at Ogden Clinic getting his IV

Thinking he was good and was going to get better we went to the Real SL Game (it was a great game). Chris was planning on flying to Portland in the morning to go see a plant up there. Private jet and all. His plans were put on hold when he woke up the next morning and the swelling was worse. I had taken up his left side of his face.
Well the flight to Portland was canceled and he was off to another Dr's visit. Ogden Clinic wouldn't see him until 1:00 which was to long to wait. Even though they said if he gets worse to come in immediately (we won't be going there again) so off the the ER.... While in the ER he was given to different medicines by IV again and had the joy of a CT scan. Thinking it was an abscess they called in an dermatologist to have it drained. The CT came back and no abscess so there
was nothing to drain. After 4 hours in the ER they decided to have Chris stay the night in the hospital to receive antibiotics every 6 hours.
Chris in the ER getting some more IV meds.

So about 3:00 on Wednesday Chris was admitted to the hospital for a swollen face. You may be asking your self WTH I know I know.... that is what we are saying too. Because Chris was started on meds and there was no drainage they couldn't culture the thing so we have no idea what it was or anything. When the nurse came in she swore that it was a bug bit, who knows. The above picture is of Chris at his vacation home for the next 24 hours.

Chris took this picture of himself the next day. The swelling went down and he was able to come home on Thursday.

So the moral of the story is leave the red bump alone.

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